This is just one of our range of vinyl coated waterproof car stickers. Place them on windows, car bodywork or even on your laptop, wherever you like. The choice is yours.
We all recognise this one, designed for area protection and those not to be forgotten user instructions "Front Towards Enemy" even the thickest squaddie couldn't mess it up.
Those famous moral boosting words we would all say to ourselves, either prior to or during a rain drenched, mud filled training exercise. Whether that is out tabbing or on a 2 week field exercise. It has to be said, to get the laughing gear and sense of humour warmed up. Let's face it, we had to be daft, mentally unstable or maybe just pure professional double hard steely eyed dealers of death. Most likely a mixture. There is a massive sense of equality as an infantry soldier in the field. Nothing levels a group of soldiers more than shared misery.
The sticker is 12cm High x 21cm Wide so a decent size and a great way to celebrate the glory days and get other drivers to back off.
Postage & Packaging Included for UK purchases.